Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Post-occupancy evaluating of low income housing Essay

Post-occupancy evaluating of low income housing - Essay Example 22). The evaluation of functional aspects assures that the building is able to meet some of the most common and inevitable needs of the occupants, that could not be sidelined in any modern human accommodation, whatever the financial constraints (Bachman 2008, p. 15). The evaluation of technical aspects of an occupied low income housing supported by the user feedback helps understand how the technical maladjustments support or restrain the daily activities of the occupants (Brown 2001, p. 82). Very often minor technical fine tuning goes a long way in enhancing the eventual benefits to the occupants. Besides it also allows for improving the designs of the future low income accommodations. The same stands true in the context of evaluation with regards to social views. This suggests the minor improvements that could help better the design to suit the aspirations of the occupant as per one’s socio-economic needs and aspirations (Brown 2001, p. 82). Reference List Bachman, Leonard R 2008, ‘Architecture and the Four Encounters with Complexity’, Architectural Engineering and Design Management, Vo. 4, no. 1, pp. 15-19.

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