Thursday, September 12, 2019

Concert report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Concert report - Essay Example I think it is important for me to recognize what the limited amount of knowledge led to with my expectations with the concert as well as hesitations which were noted before going because of my misunderstandings of the concept of Celtic music and what the concert would entail. When I went to this concert, the only understanding was based on the ability to listen to cultural music which I had only limited introduction to in the past. Sound The sound of the concert was inclusive of four members which led the Celtic music. This included the flute and concertina, bouzouki, guitar and banjo, fiddle and finger style guitar. The four individuals changed the instruments, depending on the tune and the needed settings for both harmony and melody. This was followed by the interchanges which were heard with singing and rhythmic options that were used with some of the dance pieces. The sound and the interaction with the different instrumentation provided the basis for the experience and allowed th e expressions to be easily heard within the different pieces of music. I noticed that the banjo and finger style guitar were used for fast moving chords while the guitar was more often used for the chord structures. The banjo would also sometimes be used for melodic lines. The other instruments interchanged with melodies, specifically between the flute and the fiddle. The sound which was heard was not only based on the basics of the instrumentation, but also the complexities which were heard with some of the pieces. The songs which intrigued me most were the Celtic dances which were played. These were difficult in nature, not only with the individual lines but also with the entire group. My interest was set on the finger picking guitar because of the fast lines and movements made to keep the harmony and rhythm with the other players. I was also intrigued with the flute and violin which often played difficult passages at fast paces and in unison. This particular style is one which I believe would be difficult to play. However, the melodic line was never lost and the rhythmic pace continued with the dance style which allowed the sound of the Celtic music to be a main part of the tune. The other intriguing part of the sound which I was drawn to was the other side of the rhythm, harmony and melody. The folk tunes and ballads which moved at a slower pace were refreshing to listen to and provided a sense of relaxation. The words from the main melodic lines as well as the melodies held by the flute or violin were simplistic; however, they were also soothing and had a comforting effect when listening to the different sounds. The harmonies added into this, specifically with the guitars that held the chords or picked the different sounds as well as the background sounds which moved through the harmonies. While these weren’t complex in nature, the ability to capture the sound and to create an expression of the culture added a magical tone to the concert. The music ians made these ballads seem like there was a reminiscing over an older culture and expression which was often not a part of contemporary society. Setting The place for the Celtic music, at the UU Church, was one which at first didn’t seem comfortable for the Celtic music. The four instrumentalists were at the front stage, usually where the preacher is, and had an organ that was in back of them.

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